Village Hall hours: Monday-Friday 7:30 AM - noon
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 1:00 -4:00 PM
Wednesday 1:00 - 6:00 PM
Jump to one of our departments below:
Police & Fire Utilities Village Board Zoning Board Post Office
Okawville Police Department
Hello, my name is Joe Berry and I am the Chief of Police. I am looking forward to working with the officers, Village Board, school, and residents in keeping Okawville a safe place to live and visit. The purpose of this page is to reach out to the public. PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS PAGE TO REQUEST THE POLICE OR A CRIME IN PROGRESS OR THAT HAS OCCURRED. This page is NOT MONITORED 24/7. Please call the Washington County Dispatch Center at (618) 327-8274, Option 4 to request an officer,or deputy.
If you have an emergency, please call 911. For non-emergency police matters, please call 618-243-6121 and press 4 to get a live person.
To reach the Washington County Sheriff’s Office call 618-327-4800
The Village of Okawville Police Department is located at Village Hall, 304 N Front St.
Police Personnel
Chief of Police: J. Berry
Sgt: R. Brittingham
Officer: G. O’Neal
Mission Statement
Our mission is to be the model of excellence in policing by working in partnership with
the community to protect and serve the citizens and visitors of Okawville. We are here to
fight crime and enforce the laws of Illinois and ordinances of the Village of Okawville.
We will do that while protecting the constitutional rights of all people. As a department,
we will recruit, train, lead, and strive for our officers to have the highest degree of ethical
behavior and professional conduct at all times. We want to make an exceptional team of
law enforcement professionals for our citizens and visitors and support Okawville’s goal
of having a great place to SHOP.EAT. PLAY.WORK. LEARN. GATHER. LOVE
Village Hall ∙ 304 North Front Street ∙ PO Box 237 ∙ Okawville, Illinois 62271
(618) 243-6121 Option 4 ∙ Fax (618) 243-5370
Area Fire Departments
Okawville-Venedy Area Contact: James Rossel, Chief; 618-973-4088
Location: 304 N Front St | Email:
Addieville Area Contact: Ryan Wiedwilt, Chief; 618-314-3753
Okawville Village Utilities
The Village Board wants you to be happy with your experience. Please contact us with anything we can help with.
Pay Online
General Info
Water/sewer/trash services are provided/managed by the village. For any questions regarding these services or for billing questions, please use the contact us form or visit Village Hall.
Trash collection is included in the Village utility bills. Please put your trash out on Monday night for pick-up on Tuesday. Trash must be placed in cans provided by Waste Management.
Please recycle paper and magazines in the yellow and green recycle bins in the south school parking lot. Curbside recycling is part of the trash service. Please put cardboard, glass, metals, and plastics out every other Tuesday evening for pick up on Wednesday. Recyclables go in the cans with yellow lids.
Consumer Confidence Report
The annual water quality report, also known as the Consumer Confidence Report, can be found here:
Legal Info
ALL PAYMENTS ARE DUE BY 4:00 PM ON THE DUE DATE. Payments left in the outside drop box after 4:00 PM are processed the next day.
Chapter 38, Article II, Section 38-2-1 Paragraph (H) reads as follows regarding utility billing:All regular monthly bills for utility services shall be rendered monthly on the 10th day of the month and shall be delinquent if payment is not received by 4:00 PM on the 20th day of the month. Should the 20th day of the month fall on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, payment must be received on the following business day to avoid delinquency. In the event a bill becomes delinquent, an additional charge of ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bill shall be added to the bill. If the bill plus the penalty are not paid by 4:00 PM on the 25th day of the month, an additional penalty of Twenty Dollars ($20.00) shall be added to the bill and a termination notice shall be sent to the customer. If payment of all amounts due is not received by 4:00 PM on the 1st day of the next month, then the utility service shall be stopped. An additional Fifty Dollars ($50.00) reconnection fee must be paid in addition to the bill plus all penalties before service will be reconnected.
For example:10th of current month: bill sent for $50. On the 21st of current month: payment not received by the 20th: 10% added (amt due is now $55.00). On the 26th of current month: payment not received by the 25th: $20 fee added (amt due is now $75.00) and disconnection notice sent. On the 2nd of following month: payment not received by the 1st. Services are turned off and amount due is now $125.00 before services will be turned on.
While this is not a comprehensive list of the Ordinances governing the Village of Okawville, the following are some of the more commonly violated ordinances. Please contact Village Hall if you any questions about the Village Code.
Occupancy: Each residence has a maximum occupancy which is determined by the fire code. No more than that number of persons should be occupying the residence. Only those persons listed on the Occupancy Permit are allowed to to occupy the residence. If another person moves in, notify Village Hall immediately to avoid fines.
Leaf Burning: No burning is allowed along curbs or on village streets. No burning is allowed after sunset. Yard waste must be dry when burned. Fires MUST BE attended by a responsible party at all times.
Dogs/Cats: No more than a total of three dogs and cats is allowed at any residence. All dogs must be on a leash unless fenced or inside the residence.
Permits: A permit is required for any new construction or modifications. This includes fences, homes, outbuildings, decks, patios, pools, temporary sheds, etc.
Curfew: A minor is any person who has not yet reached their 18th birthday. Minors are not allowed to be in a public space between the hours of 11:00pm on any Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday until 6:00am the following day and 12:01am until 6:00am Saturday and Sunday. Exceptions are if the minor is with a parent/guardian, travelling to/from a school activity or employment without any detour or stop.
Grass/weeds: Grass and/or weeds must be maintained not in excess of eight (8) inches high. Grass is also to be mowed in such a way that the clippings DO NOT get into the street/curbs.
Derelict vehicles: Unlicensed and/or inoperable vehicles are prohibited outside on the premises of any residence.
Meeting Minutes
January 27, 2025
The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Vice-President Nathan Dick. At roll call, Trustees Jacob Brammeier, Scott Cragen, Sarah Deterding, Nathan Dick, Brett Heberer, and Josh Muehlhauser were present.
A motion was made by Trustee Heberer and seconded by Trustee Brammeier to dispense with the reading of last month's minutes and to accept them as presented.
At roll call Trustees Brammeier, Cragen, Deterding, Dick, Heberer, and Muehlhauser voted yes.
Results: Yes: 6 No: 0 MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Trustee Heberer and seconded by Trustee Deterding to increase current exposure limits for ACH at the First National Bank of Okawville from $30,000 to $35,000 per file.
At roll call Trustees Brammeier, Cragen, Deterding, Dick, Heberer, and Muehlhauser voted yes. Results: Yes: 6 No: 0 MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Trustee Heberer and seconded by Trustee Cragen to approve a $250 donation to Okawville After-Prom.
At roll call Trustees Brammeier, Cragen, Deterding, Dick, Heberer, and Muehlhauser voted yes. Results: Yes: 6 No: 0 MOTION CARRIED
A motion was made by Trustee Heberer and seconded by Trustee Muehlhauser to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented.
At roll call Trustees Brammeier, Cragen, Deterding, Dick, Heberer, and Muehlhauser voted yes.
Results: Yes: 6 No: 0 MOTION CARRIED
Copies of the bills were presented to the Board by the clerk (bills follow).
A motion was made by Trustee Heberer and seconded by Trustee Cragen to dispense with reading the bills and approve them with vouchers to be drawn on their proper accounts.
At roll call Trustees Brammeier, Cragen, Deterding, Dick, Heberer, and Muehlhauser voted yes.
Results: Yes: 6 No: 0 MOTION CARRIED
The meeting was adjourned at 7:08 p.m.
Dawn Moyer
Village Clerk
MONDAY, March 31, 2025
Pass Ordinance No 609 implementing a 1% Grocery Retailer Occupation Tax to replace the current 1% Grocery Retailer Occupation Tax
Change the date for the May 2025 dumpster from May 24th to May 31st.
Close E Walnut Street from N Nashville Street to N Hanover Street from 5:00-9:30 PM on May 30, 2025 for Chalk the Walk.
Accept the MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) with the West Washington County CUD #10 regarding a School Resource Officer
Enter into agreement with Discover Downstate Illinois at the Ruby level ($22,000) for the 2025-2026 advertising year.
Personnel – Section 2 (c)(1)
Purchase or Lease of Real Estate – Section 2 (c) (6)
Litigation – Section 2 (c)(11)
Okawville Village Board
Village board meetings are held in the conference room of the Senior Center (305 N Nashville St) at 7:00pm on the last Monday of each month.
You can leave a message for any of them through the contact us form.
Village Board
President David Jasper
Clerk Dawn Moyer
Scott Cragen
Sarah Deterding
Nathan Dick
Brett Heberer
Josh Muehlhauser
Jacob Brammeier
Okawville Zoning Board
The Zoning Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm at Village Hall unless there is a hearing.
Hearings are held in the conference room of the Senior Center (305 N Nashville St) at the same date and time.
Limited New Construction Offer
Waive hookup fees and inspection fees up to $3,000 for first five new constructions (residential or commercial) with new water/sewer service in 2019!
Permits are required for any construction or demolition within village limits. This includes residences, pools, sheds, patios, porches, fences, signs, etc. When in doubt, contact Village Hall to obtain a permit.The fee for permits is as follows:(re-inspections are half the cost of the original fee)Occupancy (inspection required)House $100.00Mobile home: $100.00Apt over 1000 sq ft $75.00Apt under 1000 sq ft $50.00Residential building permit Up to 2500 sq ft: $200Over 2500 sq ft: $.08 sq ft Accessory buildings and additions Under 300 sq ft: $50.00Over 300 sq ft: $100.00Decks and patios $50.00 Fences $25.00PoolsIn-ground $50.00Above-ground: $25.00SignsUp to 16 sq ft $25.0016-50 sq ft $50.00Over 50 sq ft $100.00Demolition $25.00Commercial/Industrial applicationUp to 5000 sq ft $250.00Over 5000 sq ft $.10 sq ftElectrical and plumbing permit fees vary. Please contact village hall for specific fee amounts.A fee of 50% of the required fee (in a addition to the regular fee) will be charged for any work performed before securing a permit.
Zoning Board of Appeals
Chairman Bruce Barkau
Kathy Cook
Tom Heck
Tom Schuette
Russel Shubert
Albert Moeller
Scott Cragen
Post Office Locations
113 E Walnut St, Okawville, IL | 618-243-6183
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 9am - 12:30pm / 2pm - 4:30pm; Sat 8:30am - 10am
24 Hour P. O. Box access
226 N Middle St, Addieville, IL | 618-424-7986
Business Hours: Mon - Fri 7am - 11am; Sat 7:30am - 9:30am
24 hours P.O. Box access