Okawville is a close-knit, rural community located right off Interstate 64. With quick access to surrounding towns, Scott Air Force Base, Mt. Vernon and St. Louis, you’ll find Okawville to be an inviting and peaceful place to live and grow in. Citizens have a strong sense of pride and fellowship in their historically charming town. This is a place you’ll always find a friend, children still run and play freely, neighbors know your name and businesses are an integral part of the community. Visit, live and thrive in Okawville, Illinois.
Why residents who come here want to stay here
Learn what sets Okawville and the surrounding district apart from other areas. Review the town’s livability report and discover the benefit of a centralized location.
Find out what attractions are nearby
The rural area offers a variety of activities to keep you busy. Get away from the hustle and bustle, slow down and enjoy a quiet sip of wine, a spa day or history tour.
See what brings us together
The community of Okawville is engaged and supportive starting with an excellent school system where every child has the ability to be their best self. Plus with extracurriculars and community organizations, there’s always a place for you to belong.
Okawville prides itself on an excellent community driven education system. A small school can mean big benefits that help children be successful throughout their lives. Individual attention, accessible extracurricular activities, a comfortable learning environment where curiosity is encouraged are all indicators of a successful education system like the one right here in Okawville.

'My Okawville' is an initiative that lets people tell their story in their own words about why Okawville is a special place to them. Okawville is more than just a town. It’s 'My Family', 'My Community', 'My Livelihood' and much more.
“We chose Okawville to be close to family as well as the family-like and caring atmosphere from the local businesses and town residents.”
“One of the greatest benefits of being a citizen of Okawville is seeing, being a part of, and experiencing the support and comradery of this community.”